• 04:46
  • Wednesday ,19 February 2014

Overthrown president “in advance”

Girgis Bushra

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,19 February 2014

Overthrown president “in advance”

Egypt is expecting the presidential elections that should be competitive and present equal opportunities to each candidate concerning the public television and newspapers. This is the basics of democracy and justice advocated by the revolution of June 30, 2012. 

In fact, the Egyptian people decided to revolt against the powers of tyranny overthrowing two regimes in just three years. Therefore, the next president, whoever he is, should take heed that the people alone are the source of authorities.
Perhaps the revolutions of January 25 and June 30 erupted because of injustice and corruption rooted in the country.
I think that any upcoming president in Egypt should set his priorities, or else he is going to follow Mubarak and Morsy, as the people are not going to accept under any circumstances similar corrupted regimes, tyranny, religious fascism or attempts to divide Egypt like Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Iraq.
I believe there are significant files should be on top of the priorities of the new president, and perhaps Egyptian national unity is among the most important files to care about.
Without such unity, no development can be achieved. However, it needs applying the law and equality. Also, scientific research should be cared for as former rulers of Egypt have dramatically contributed in the expulsion of Egyptian competencies abroad, after giving them so hard times and discouraging their creative abilities. Therefore, the next president has to encourage scientific research and invention.
Moreover, the upcoming president should care for the Nile river as well as Sinai. The Muslim Brotherhood planned to resettle Hamas in Sinai for the benefit of Israel. The next president has to establish a Ministry to care for Sinai and its reconstruction.
He should start to fight corruption in all state departments as well as reconsider selling the Egyptian raw materials to European countries and the U.S. and start manufacturing them.
Furthermore, he should give great concern to education in Egypt, reconsider all decisions taken by the Muslim Brotherhood, all appointment of officials,  encourage the local industries and provide full support to Egyptian factories and industries.
Giving solutions to the problem of unemployment and granting unemployment benefits for unemployed youths should be another goal to the next president as well as to raise pensions. 
He should also give a quarterly basis speech to  assess and monitor the situation in Egypt. Making good use of Egyptian natural resources like more than 250 gold mine that are not exploited yet.
Egypt's next president should care for such important issues in Egypt, or else he might meet the fate of Mubarak and Morsy.