• 01:56
  • Wednesday ,29 January 2014

Pope Tawadros weekly sermon 22 Jan 2014: St John the Baptist




Monday ,27 January 2014

Pope Tawadros weekly sermon 22 Jan 2014: St John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist is a useful example for all of us.  He was witnessed by the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the most prominent person in all these feasts. In the beginning of Kiahk, we celebrate the annunciation of St. John the Baptist.St. John the Baptist is a useful example for all of us.

He was witnessed by the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the most prominent person in all these feasts. In the beginning of Kiahk, we celebrate the annunciation of St. John the Baptist. 
St. John the Baptist is an example that is full of many virtues. 
His 1st role is that he was preparing the people to receive the coming Christ. 
"Behold, I send My messenger before Your face,
Who will prepare Your way before You."
He was preparing the person, which shows that everything needs to be prepared, even the coming of Christ; it needs an introduction, it needs a preparation of the minds and souls which is a necessary matter. 
His 2nd role is that he was the main witness to the coming of the Lord Christ.
He said about Christ: "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"