• 02:06
  • Thursday ,23 January 2014

Brotherhood members arrested for corresponding with MB leaders

By-Almasry Alyuom

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,23 January 2014

Brotherhood members arrested for corresponding with MB leaders

Six Brotherhood members were arrested in Warraq, Giza, after prosecutors ordered their arrest on charges of organizing demonstrations in violation of the law which not only requires prior-authorization but bans all Brotherhood-related activities.Six Brotherhood members were arrested in Warraq, Giza, after prosecutors ordered their arrest on charges of organizing demonstrations in violation of the law which not only requires prior-authorization but bans all Brotherhood-related activities.

Security services claim to have found SMS messages on their mobile phones communicating with Brotherhood leaders about plans to attack public and private installations on 25 January.
One such message requested LE7,000 to buy supplies to resist tear gas.