• 05:46
  • Friday ,17 January 2014

Military spokesman: Egyptians have participated in referendum for their love to Egypt

Naim Youssef

Top Stories


Friday ,17 January 2014

Military spokesman: Egyptians have participated in referendum for their love to Egypt

Colonel Ahmad Mohamed Ali, military spokesman, said on Egyptian military’s official page on Facebook that the Egyptian people have participated in the constitutional referendum ignoring all calls to boycott it as they love Egypt and insist on making their country better.Colonel Ahmad Mohamed Ali, military spokesman, said on Egyptian military’s official page on Facebook that the Egyptian people have participated in the constitutional referendum ignoring all calls to boycott it as they love Egypt and insist on making their country better.

He saluted the Egyptian women, old and young, as they insisted on participating and practicing their rights.
Furthermore, he thanked all soldiers and officers who participated in securing the voting process.