• 02:20
  • Friday ,10 January 2014

One Can’t Simply "Solve" Egypt’s Problems

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,11 January 2014

One Can’t Simply
Lately, I can assurdley say that all people want the Defence Minister Al Sisi to be the next president. All political powers are also pushing him to run for the presidential elections as their idea of the only way to solve Egypt’s problem. 
I have a completely different opinion of those claims. No one can solve Egypt’s problem in an individual way. Those who feel that Sisi is the solution for Egypt, are the same people who asked to end the era of Mubarak because he turned Egypt into relying on one person. 
I wonder why all political powers want what was a disaster to happen again, and let the whole country rely on one person, which is exactly what our people fought against on the 25th of January. 
Egypt is not a small country to rely on one person. Egypt should rely on the institutions, on its people, and o hard work to make progress. 
All political parties are trying to express the failure of Political Power itself because, really, what is the benefit of them if they couldn’t have just one elcected person to be able to run as President? 
What is the benefit of having political parties if those parties can’t be elite in all fields that can be used to compete in all political elections in the country?
Going along with that trend will lead us into becoming a failed country. I also think that it is not a good idea for Sisi to run as president because I believe that the army needs him nowadays more than any other day. On the contrary, I believe that Egypt will lose if Sisi became president but is there any one will listen or they will call me a traitor also?