• 05:50
  • Friday ,10 January 2014

Large numbers of Egyptians abroad participate in constitutional referendum

Osama Noshi

Top Stories


Friday ,10 January 2014

Large numbers of Egyptians abroad participate in constitutional referendum

Egyptians in Austria have participated actively in the referendum on new constitution ignoring many calls by the Muslim Brotherhood to boycott it. Egyptians in Austria have participated actively in the referendum on new constitution ignoring many calls by the Muslim Brotherhood to boycott it. 

Dr. Manal Abul Alaa, political activist, said the terrorist group has tried to organize many conferences in Austria against new constitution and to call to boycott the referendum, which was refused by most of the Egyptians in Austria who announced they support the road map against the terrorization of the Muslim Brotherhood.
She added that such great participation by the Egyptians in Austria sends a message of support to the revolution of June 30 and vote “yes” in order to support stability and freedoms in Egypt.