• 02:11
  • Tuesday ,31 December 2013

Abadir As Father and Leader

Ezzat Boulos

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,31 December 2013

Abadir As Father and Leader

Four years have passed since Eng. Adly Abadir, founder of Copts United organization has departed. Yet, the Copts should be united in mourning for him as we lost such great man and leader. This honest man was great supporter for the Coptic issue and a real humanitarian as well. He was not only a human rights activist, but devoted his time and money to help the Coptic issues and rights through many ways including Copts United website.

Adli Abadir was a great value to the Coptic issue since he tried hard to claim the Coptic rights and fought against fanatic officials and extremists who looted the Copts and their rights in collaboration with Coptic extremists who have been trading on religion for private gain. 
In Zurich, he invited for the first international conference about the Copts entitled “Copts Under Siege” in September 2004, where Coptic activists have participated with many Muslim intellectuals from all over the world. His second conference was held in Washington DC, which had its great impact on spreading the cause all over the world.
Later, he asked me to establish a website to discuss the Coptic problems and publish them all over the world. He named this website “Copts United”. In this website, we have been criticizing the former regime and the Muslim Brotherhood group. I remember reading a speech on behalf of him in a conference in which he harshly criticized the Muslim Brotherhood that one of its leaders, Dr. Issam Erian, has left the angrily conference.
I wish he was here today to support us and see leaders of the former regime as well as the Muslim Brotherhood in jail. I wish he was here today to see the fruits of his work and be guest in one of our online live TV shows.
I believe he is now resting in peace. Furthermore, his spirit should be with us now to watch us and teach us to continue his way and develop his website. Dear Mr. Adly, you're in our hearts leading our way. Your vision as well as your pure spirit shall be our inspiration. Eng. Adly Abadir will always be a great name in our history.