• 09:50
  • Friday ,27 December 2013

Hope for the New Year

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,28 December 2013

Hope for the New Year

In a few days we will be in the new year and in the Eastern Orthodox Christmas. In this new year we should keep our hope for a better life. Throughout all the difficulties that faced Egyptians all over the world, Jesus gave us hope with His birth. He gave us hope not only for a better life, but also for the eternal life. 

A new year means we still can do many things we didn’t do yet. It means there is still a chance to fix anything we missed doing the previous year. The new year means that we have hope for the future and there are still many chances. 
The new year also means that we have to learn from our mistakes and not repeat them so that we can achieve the progress we are seeking. Regardless if we are good or bad, regardless if we are rich or poor, we can make this year different if we just believe. 
Some people feel that a new year just means the same troubles and struggles without achieving anything but this is not the truth. If we believe in Jesus and believe that he wants to change our life, this year will be completely different. 
We have to work on many things to make it better. We have to be more tolerant, more patient, more persistent and more hopeful. Without having such trait, we will find it hard to make a difference in our life in the new year. 
Life needs us to be more simple and  to try and focus on being positive more than spreading the negativity among our community. 
Remember this with me, Jesus came to the earth to give us hope, and the same we have to do with others. God created us not  to just to enjoythe  hope He gave us, but also to be able to give hope to other people that they may not have it. 
The new year should be different, and we are the ones who should make it different. Seize this opportunity to have hope and to give up that hope. This is a unique year for us if we decide to make it so.