• 03:51
  • Friday ,03 May 2013

Egypt court overturns suspension of Muslim cleric

By the Las Vegas Sun

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,03 May 2013

Egypt court overturns suspension of Muslim cleric

Egypt's state news agency says a Cairo court has overturned a ministerial decree suspending a Muslim cleric on the strength of a citizen's complaint that his sermons were critical of the president.

Sheik Mazhar Shahin became known as the "preacher of the revolution" for his sermons in a mosque overlooking Tahrir Square criticizing ousted President Hosni Mubarak and the country's interim military rulers.
Although Shahin backed Islamist Mohammed Morsi's candidacy for president, he grew critical of him. In a recent sermon, Shahin faulted Morsi for failing to reach out to opponents, warning of attempts by his Muslim Brotherhood to control state institutions. The sermon prompted the complaint and subsequent suspension.
On Monday, a tribunal in the state council, the body that reviews cases involving the government, overturned the decree.