• 18:43
  • Thursday ,25 February 2010

January 6, 2010 a turning point

Ezzat Boulos



Thursday ,25 February 2010

January 6, 2010 a turning point

Refused ... anger ... sadness...  negative feelings to run inside me since the night of the Christmas eve on January 6, inside the church where I celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with others amid a climate of spiritual comfort of the same, but I have a sudden contact  to assure me  that a number of Christian youth in the age of flowers were assassined as caming out of the church by evil people whose hands are blooded and hearts of stone, do not know the meaning of compassion and love, but have lost their minds for a long time after their minds were trapped  with crime means and a sick sense of pleasure of the victimization of others.

By the nature of my current job, I was obliged to write a comment or to be more precise analysis of the disaster,in "Nagi' Hammadi" and the fact I tried the first days of the tragedy writing, but I declined, fearing that helps me load my emotions with interior negatives to the exclusion of the whole language of the modern rational  calmness and slide it to another language terminology and rhetorical expressions known, and which, although they will delight many, but I'll be proud of it but in the long run, because I believe that writing is not in any way a means of "relieving the agony  and to release the rage of any kind."

2010 I have a strong belief that there will be an atypical year or the average heat, all empirical stresses that it will be very hot ...  Presidential elections on the doors and new faces appear strongly and not timid to compete to present questions in our minds as to whether a real change will happen?  If the change will be intellectually or only limited to a mere replacement of the faces?  Youth, Are they going to actually able to lay out the arteries hardened to this community with the blood of new-borne for a better future at least partially free of epidemic diseases is now in the homeland of this 7000 years old civilization?.
 "Muslim Brotherhood" Group Will be the controversy among their leaders on the size of their credibility among ordinary humble Egyptians?.

 Copts, in 2010, will start to exit from the silos in which they live inside of disappearance to play more proactive role with the society  that denies their existence, and then neglects important aspects and essential rights as citizens? ..

Questions and many others think that their responses will be determined during 2010... Indisputable, those things are no longer affordable for a  deportation of more years to come.

 the sixth of January 2010 came and have submitted blood on their hands and minds full of intolerance and hatred to the Christians of their gifts fateful Nagi' Hammadi, a gift that turned with the joy of the Christmas for the color, black, and dashed with the painful details of the heart the hope that the new year for a healing touch to the wounds of the past years that took a lot of abuse on Christians suddenly found themselves victims of sectarian incidents are not the perpetrators of the flash in any way, but who lit the flames of more than a day of promoting the idea that Christians in Egypt are not only "the people of custody" with a limited citizenship, but unfortunately it sometimes indulges in the erosion of these the rights of Christians, describing them as unworthy of life itself, on the grounds that life was a gift to believers," Muslims" only, and Christian consideration of these non-believer or a non-unified in God, but retracted this life than death grant is legitimate and very Nagi' Hammadi evidence that one of the most serious thought hateful speech is spreading like Islamic religious without being stopped by one, the only thing is to swallow  its bitter consequences.

 What happened last Christmas Eve left in the mind and the same as any normal human being and a very lonesome memories of great pain, not easily missed, the date is also shared follow-up and will be remembered that an event is always a black spot on the forehead of Egyptian citizenship, and will never set aside as we do sometimes with great harassments as shy  to remember, and then shy away from the search for causes and treatment worsens and grow and we can not control.

Kosheh 2000 ...  Nagi' Hammadi, 2010,  two large massacres  for Christians in Upper Egypt, each with different details, but they are being involved in massacres of "masses" of people into their crisis really the aggressor that they are "Christians", it was about nineteen lives of Christian in kosheh suddenly did not feel them, one for security control of the situation as a whole At that time, the fear and the media to view the details of an incident of this scale of atrocity and cruelty, is not the case for the Nagi' Hammadi, there has been a breakthrough in addressing the media of events strongly and openly unusual and I can not go back that change for one reason, there are a number of reasons behind my opinion that , including the expansion of media freedom, release relatively unrestricted through the Internet in particular, and increase the area of awareness among the humans who are sectarian events area and their perception that they are exposed to the violation deserves to be presented to expose the horror, they use what is available to them and other portable devices, in addition to all this that sectarian incidents are now exposed the motives and details, including leaving  no room for manipulation in the evaluation.

Courage information that have occurred with the presentation of the details of the massacre of the Nagi' Hammadi contributed a large part in exposing gaping wound "sectarian incidents" and that disclosure in my opinion a good start to search for a cure, and that absorbed a lot of courage Coptic anger at those events, but as they say "the sweet is not always complete and the ones nature predominantly characterized "where he appeared amid the boom of information addressed in a large communal event, government officials are making the usual terms thirty years ago and  perfected diversification in terms of hypocrisy and lying, and falsely believe they are protecting the country and avoid the flames of sectarian tensions, but otherwise do not reveal only their double scales and their inability to analyzing things correctly the growing tide turning endlessly in the field of phrases and terminology unrewarded.

Then the summit reflects duplication of some Egyptian officials in the change of position on the incident, the minarets of Switzerland and the massacre of Nagi' Hammadi, Most think it should display the results of a referendum on minarets in Switzerland by international bodies to pressure and change the will of the people, and they themselves are the officials did not object to enter the West armed force in Bosnia and Herzegovina The arrest and trial of former President "Milosevic" without being viewed as an interference on the internal country, unfortunate and disastrous the right is a description d.  Ahmed Kamal Abul-Magd the demonstrations the  Copts living abroad to denounce the events of Nagi' Hammadi, the "Obsession" I do not understand how the code and the Foundation for human rights supposed to be the largest in Egypt, launching that description on the human rights demonstrations in the motives and objectives to keep the most difficult question you had sovereignty of the evaluation of the demonstrations that swept Egypt and some European countries when Marwa El-Sherbini  was killed? The  Answer is not known to need a lot of thinking and show the extent of duplication and confusion of standards many of those who are at the head of the Egyptian government agencies.
January 6, 2010 If you think of its details, the Egyptian government will be able to extract many of the elements that make up a glimmer of hope for change for the better future to all Egyptians, to abandon the vocabulary, which lost value from the large number of replication and believes that harms the reputation of Egypt will be against complacency in the face of crises and sectarian discrimination among citizens, and torturing them and fight them in the source of living for nothing but their religion openly and remember well the unfortunate decision to execute pigs and that has undermined the reputation of Egypt the right to make the world looks to us with  irony of knowing that  the motive for the decision was not for health protection at all.

Grow a glimmer of hope when officials realized that the words "our internal affairs" did not have any room when you talk about any issues related to the "human rights" and the Coptic issue in Egypt within the framework of human rights issues and that anyone anywhere has the right to get excited and feel the suffering of their owners, To take away the eternal false idea that says the West is not only an imperial occupation, the world of today is not the  world of yesterday, we now all live in a small village with no borders and human suffering in any place, treatment and care of children is not limited to the geographical scope of those who suffer, but everyone finds in the same sense that the suffering of others.

January 6, 2010 inside a glimmer of hope in the recovery and serenity missing coexistence between Muslims and Christians, because the horror of the incident and the severity of loss and betrayal to the people of the victims shook the conscience of many Muslims and make them actually share their feelings in some Coptic and grief a golden opportunity for the development of the idea of coexistence and acceptance of the other and, if invested in a conscious term will achieve long-term good results, others will put our minds images are real and not fake from the past of love and peace between the Egyptians.

For this, and from the  tribune of the "Copts United" I call on all Muslims and Christians for a civilized peaceful demonstration in Egypt to condemn the massacre of Nagi' Hammadi in the forty days of the martyrs of young people who ended their lives by treachery, which is yet to begin, and can participate Who's Copts outside Egypt that the demonstration through do their counterparts living's north, and those Christian-Muslim will participate for the whole world the depth of our understanding of "citizenship" for real, not fake.

As long as we're talking about the value, meaning and importance of the peaceful demonstrations expressing noble anger and real genuine fear for the future of Egypt, I can not ignore talk with admiration and pride for the demonstrations, which started in various parts of the land by the Copts in the  Diaspora countries, which had been peaceful and civilized involving everybody, regardless of affiliations the young with the old, secular with religious thought, everyone together spontaneously with a zeal that was not unprecedented, to indicate that the Coptic West managed to abandon the selfish egoism of the individual and the group appeared to work as one to make a considerable intellectual maturity of anger and sadness away from any excavation, these events  in the Diaspora gave important clues to those who believed that those concerned with the Egyptian Copts in the Diaspora are not merely a handful of high voice, it became clear they were a very large issue of human rights primarily secured.

Eventually I would like to emphasize that the recent massacre of Nagi' Hammadi, an alarm bell ringing strongly warning us that the street became agitated to the extent that would make it difficult to control security on the matter, even now I can not imagine that one was shooting randomly at people on the street did not sin them but to their religion, "Christians".. shame on the people of Egypt's ancient civilization that things like that heinous crime vocabulary at home and then find the interpretation, stressing that the motivation is half of a draft defense of "honor" - the issue of girls age 12 – we have to get awake from our long time nap and start through education, media and places of worship in the rebuilding of the Egyptian citizens on the values of citizenship, the highest of any other values.
   The consequences of neglecting treatment of the sectarian crisis in Egypt of the most dangerous as possible, before Egypt challenges are most acute in the future "water, and Copts," he wrote, Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, and can add to this population explosion that kills all hope of a better economic future.