• 23:45
  • Monday ,01 April 2013

United Arab Rebublic

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,01 April 2013

 United Arab Rebublic

As a child I woke up one day on 1958 to hear abut a great even announce in the newspapers -no TV in Egypt yet or may be we did not had one until 1959 or 60- Former President (R.I.P.) Jamal Abd El Nasser announced the unity of Syria with Egypt in to one united entity called the UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC. Nasser as an officer on the Egyptian army participated in War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. 

Brief review of historical facts states:
First Arab–Israeli War was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab states and Palestinian Arab forces. Those forces included :
1. Egypt
2. Syria
3. Iraq
4. Lebanon
5. Jordan
The 1948 Arab–Israeli War or the This war was the second stage of the 1948 Palestine war, known in Arabic as al-Nakba or The Catastrophe however and in Hebrew point of view as the War of Independence or Milkhemet Hashikhrur  "War of Liberation.
The 1st. Stage was a civil war in the territory of the Mandatory Palestine between Jewish Yishuv forces and Palestinian Arab forces in response to the UN Partition Plan of 1947. The fighting took place mostly on the former territory of the British Mandate and for a short time also in the Sinai Peninsula and southern Lebanon.
As a result of the war, the State of Israel kept nearly all the area that had been recommended by the UN General Assembly Resolution 181 and took control of almost 60% of the area allocated to the proposed Arab state including the Jaffa, Galilee, some parts of the Negev, a wide strip along the Tel-Aviv-Jerusalem road and some territories in the West Bank. Transjordan took control of the remainder of the West Bank and East-Jerusalem, putting it under military rule, and the Egyptian military took control of the Gaza Strip. No Arab Palestinian state was created. Armistice agreements were signed between all belligerents except Iraqis and Palestinians.
In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents. I mentioned last week the importance of the American – Israel (& Jewish) relationship and its impact on the economy of both sides, but today my main issue is the Arab Nationalism that (R.I.P.) Nasser loved and praised to the point he tried paint the National entity of Egypt and melt it to this Arab Nationalism to the point that as a child affected with what I hear and see in the school I felt lost and betrayed on 1961 upon the announcement of of the Syrian withdrawal from this United Arab Republic and split from it!  
Nasser, kept the official name of Egypt as United  Arab Republic (U.A.R) until recent times when Former President (R.I.P) Sadat returned to our name as the Republic of Egypt! 
Since then I loved Syria and considered it as a main important part of Egypt though I realized over time it is not however this did not affect my love for Syria, to the point I felt amazed when I saw the enthusiasm of the Syrian -unofficial- consulate or who was doing its duties in the far western tiny Island I used to live in it! An Island it had only a USA Embassy and the British Commissioner taking care of the Majority of European Countries and a Carer of Syrian / Arabic Affairs due to its huge Syrian / Lebanese community we -my family- were the only Egyptians there!
Back the enthusiasm of the consulate of Syria for the public decision to honour their R.I.P. Diseased President Hafez El Assad and elected his son as a LIFE PRESIDENT! It sounded strange to me to trust a son's president to that point I was looking farther and feered a similar move in Egypt giving presidency for life to Mubarak or if he dies his son who was a strong condide then to succeed his father as president!
Before leaving this point let me state it clear this is not to attack Bashar El Assad I had nothing against him or no interest in him this is a pure Syrian matter which I love them since ever as a part of my world that I raised loving them! My main concern is the people that die there! 
The fight of the people that stood for their rights and took a BRUTAL TURN as other parties seized the opportunity to create confusion the same confusion existed and exists in our streets in Egypt and the streets of Tunis as well in this ARAB SPRING that in my view is a major USA plot to re-create the region to the best of their interests!
Egypt since 2011 until now political street takes my full attention though I hate politics and politicians cause I know the main reason for them is to take a sit either in parliaments, congress, or presidency they offer some benefits to their supporters and the remainder of the people remain in their miseries! Since then expecting the unexpected I just see news of Syria without real details I know there is a dismay in the streets there are fierce fights and extreme brutality but who does what I have no idea who is right or wrong is not on me to judge but I know for sure as usual opportunists try to jump on the ruling sit like in Egypt. I was so depressed when France announced they were going to supply weapons to the opposition to defend them selves from the brutality of the Syrian official forces who defends themselves from BRUTAL revolts who are mainly Muslim Brotherhood! Same scenario happened and happens till now in Egypt, peaceful protesters being killed and tortured and sexually abused  and those brain washed guys who try to give excuses to each brutal act this is the main behaviour of the merchants of religion and MB! Confusion, lots of rumours, and brutal acts to scare peaceful people, or protesters!
I was concerned from the France announcement to supply weapons and stand with the opposition which unfortunately is tangled with MB to jump on the ruling sit, but thanks God France is not BRAIN WASHED and see facts analyse and takes fair decisions this last Friday my concerns were somehow relieved when they did announce the hold on the former decision to supply weapons till they make sure their weapons will not end up to the TERRORISTS! We all know who those are different names and nominations, Kaeda, Hamas, Kasam, MB or any other name is just merchants of religion who play God on earth and issue tickets for heaven and hell to people according to their standards! 
God please stand with the people who all they want their human rights to live free in democracy and be judge by God not clerics that do not even respect their own religion!
People's blood and human life to me is very precious, any human or even animal is a living entity that we need to respect if we want others to respect our lives that no religion allowed killing just to kill! God Bless you all and keep blessing Egypt and Egyptians!