• 14:25
  • Friday ,08 March 2013

One step forward, two steps back

Dr. Ahmed Al-Khamisi

Article Of The Day


Friday ,08 March 2013

One step forward, two steps back
In 1902 Tanios Abdu presented the first translation in Egypt for Hamlet, Shakespeare's longest play, which was presented on the stage in 1897. He found out that the audience have never liked its end when Hamlet died. Tanios then decided to change the end and let Hamlet live.
Later, more literary pieces have been translated from English into Arabic, and one of them was an article written by Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Revolution, entitled: "One step forward, two steps back", in which he talked about the revolution. The translator thought that in order to support the revolution, the title should be reversed to be: “Two steps forward, one step back” 
However, we discovered later the truth about these translations, and the facts haven't changed about Hamlet as well as the retarded revolution.
Does the same apply to the revolution or the uprising of January, 2011? Does it move one step forward and two steps back? optimistically speaking, we can say that Egypt under the MB rule is a step back, while the escalating anger against them is a step forward.
However, there are worrisome problems in the story, such as calling to restore military rule after years of struggling to get rid of it. How come we have another tyranny and more poverty after we revolt against them! This should be two steps forward, but we have just done like the translators who tried to change the end of the story according to our likeness.
Our problem is that we don't know who leads our revolution, and who write its changing demands. 
We only know that it hasn't achieved its goals, and we are going from bad to worse. In fact, wse ignored solving our economic and social problems in order to achieve some political development, but we lost everything and actually got none of them achieved.
On the other hand, Egyptian national forces couldn't unite to form real opposition for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic currents. 
Therefore, Dr. Rauf Hamed has taken an initiative to establish an institution for the revolution in order to unite its leaders and intellectuals. This is our wish, or we keep dreaming and write fake ends for the story of the revolution.