• 16:20
  • Thursday ,28 February 2013

Celebrities, public figures call for elections boycott

By-Amasry Alyoum

Home News


Thursday ,28 February 2013

Celebrities, public figures call for elections boycott

Almost 60 public figures signed a joint statement Tuesday, calling for a mass boycott of upcoming parliamentary elections. They also urged citizens to boycott voting to discredit the polls opposition parties claim will be a sham.

Some of the more famous participants include media personality Gamela Ismail, former presidential candidate Khaled Ali, former Culture Minister Emad Abu Ghazi, Dostour Party leader Mostafa Al-Naggar, Freedom Egypt Party chief Amr Hamzawy and writer Alaa Al Aswany.
According to the coalition, the Muslim Brotherhood has refused to respond to the demands of Egyptians by issuing an elections law that does not guarantees the integrity of the electoral process, thereby call the poll’s legitimacy into question.
The statement also said many fear the elections will be rigged by the ruling party to ensure the Muslim Brotherhood holds onto its power. According to the group, this is exactly what the hundreds of protesters died fighting during the 2011 uprising.
They added that they will continue to protest the elections using peaceful means to achieve the revolution’s goals of liberty, social justice and human dignity.
The National Salvation Front announced Tuesday would also boycott the polls, scheduled to begin on 22 April.