• 01:42
  • Thursday ,14 February 2013

Egypt: Major Tourism Decline Due to Acts of Violence

by All Africa News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,14 February 2013

Egypt: Major Tourism Decline Due to Acts of Violence

Minister of Tourism Hisham Zazou said that the tourism industry is the most affected sector due to events that Egypt is currently witnessing which affect Egypt's image abroad, thus negatively affect numbers of tourists coming to Egypt and cancel of flights.

In statements, the minister made on Monday 11/2/2013 on the sidelines of a conference on tourism and incentive to revive it, which Cairo hosts in participation of representatives of some States, he said that he would discuss with Turkey the reasons for postponing its flights, scheduled to start in March and have been postponed to next September.

Zazou added that he will also visit Milan Tourism Exchange to persuade the organizers of these flights to resume their flights, citing stability in touristic cities such as Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada.