• 11:15
  • Wednesday ,06 February 2013

We were trapped into supporting MB

Eid Fekry Amin

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,06 February 2013

We were trapped into supporting MB

Many Egyptians, who have been supporting Muslim Brotherhood since the revolution of January 25, say bitterly: “We were trapped into supporting MB”. You can hear this statement in Egypt by both rich and poor, well-educated and illiterate, as they found out that the Muslim Brotherhood are after power by all means, and through all Egyptian institutions ending by the presidency.

It's known that the Muslim Brotherhood is but a political group that trade on religion to achieve their political goals and interests. On the contrary, prominent Sheik, Mohammed Metwally el-Sharawy, has done exactly the opposite. As he was the minister of religious endowments, he decided to resign in order to devote his time to serve the Islamic call.
The Muslim Brotherhood are non-religious politicians who only claim to be so. They are the followers of Hassan al-Banna and not Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Their deception is very well known to the public. 
Now, we know that MB is only after power. They are more than willing to trade on religion to get some official offices. They won't be satisfied and will seek even more. I hope that Egypt will survive such greedy group that has nothing to do with Islam. Egypt has many Muslims that don't belong to this group. Moreover, Egypt has many Egyptians who're really worried about it. Those patriots have participated in the revolution and sacrificed their souls for the sake of a free civil state of Egypt, which MB is not of them.
If the Muslim Brotherhood is really worried about Egypt, they should leave the presidency as well as the whole political scene, and devote themselves to the Islamic call like Sheik Sharawy have done.
I tell MB: You won't be able to impose your ideology on the Egyptians as they are politically aware people and are able to find and support those patriots who will develop Egypt. Thanks for exposing your ugliness. Now, you may leave Egypt rule to those who really made the revolution, and you can return to your burrows.