• 16:08
  • Wednesday ,30 January 2013

Public Prosecution orders arrest of all Black Bloc members

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Wednesday ,30 January 2013

Public Prosecution orders arrest of all Black Bloc members

Prosecutor General Talaat Abdallah has ordered police and deputized members of the Armed Forces to arrest all suspected members of the Black Bloc.

State-run news agency MENA reported that Hassan Yassin, the head of the Public Prosecution's technical office and the prosecution's spokesperson, is claiming that the prosecution has proof that the Black Bloc is carrying out "terrorist activities."

No further information was available as to the specific proof that the prosecution has, or what specific terrorist activities the group has allegedly carried out.

Officials from the Muslim Brotherhood and state-run media have accused the group of violence, including attempting to set the presidential palace on fire, attacking the Brotherhood's headquarters, looting government institutions, blocking the railways and exchanging fire with security forces.

However, it is still unclear to what extent the Black Bloc has played a role in any of the violent incidents reported over the past few days, or if they are actually armed. The group is a largely unknown one whose motives remain unclear, and its members generally refuse to speak to the media.