• 11:04
  • Tuesday ,29 January 2013

Thousands join anti-Morsi march in Alexandria


Home News


Tuesday ,29 January 2013

Thousands join anti-Morsi march in Alexandria

 Several thousand protesters are marching to the Sidi Gaber district in Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city, blocking one side of the corniche road, to commemorate the second anniversary of the "Friday of Anger", January 28 2011.

Ahram Online's Yasmine Fathi said protesters gathered in front of the Qaed Ibrahim Mosque and marched to the corniche chanting: "Down, down, with the rule of the [Muslim Brotherhood's] supreme guide! Down, down with Morsi! Leave, we are poor people."
Protesters cut off roads near to Al-Raml train station, in downtown Alexandria, as well as the Azaretah district, stating that they wanted to remind officials of those who had lost their lives in the revolution.
Large demonstrations took place on Friday in Alexandria as in many other Egyptian cities, marking the second anniversary of the 2011 Egyptian revolution.