• 06:35
  • Thursday ,27 December 2012

The inevitable way!

Nader Fawzi

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,27 December 2012

The inevitable way!

What's happening in Egypt now leads us to an inevitable civil war for many reasons including the horrible Constitution, about which Sheikh Borhamy said that it will allow the Islamists to raise lawsuits against anyone and for any reason they believe is insulting Islam, as well as to form an official group of "The Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice". This civil war is inevitable for many reasons including attacking judge Al-Zend by MB and their Palestinian supporters of Gaza who caused calamity to the Egyptian people since 1948. A civil war is at hand as the Egyptian people are already divided and will continue to be. A honorable terrorist announced that Egypt will be divided into faithful and non-faithful governorates. Addition, al-Qaeda has announced that Egypt will be declared an Islamic emirate soon!

 No one believes that Egypt, which used to be the country of civilization, has reached such retardation giving such great opportunity to its enemies including Israel to destroy it. Destroying Egypt is the end to Arabic union dream, and Sinai will be taken by the terrorists of Hamas, Brotherhood's military wing. Later, Egypt will be divided among the Islamists who will later fight each other as usual!

 Secularists, who represent more than 85% of the Egyptian population, who deal with amazing tolerance with the terrorists despite their bloody violence and attacks!

 I have written since the early days of the revolution about the so-called “third party” where I assured that it's MB and Palestinian terroristic groups. Now my opponents made sure I was right when I said that MB in collaboration with Hamas are the one who killed the revolutionists and burned police stations during the revolution in order to create a state of chaos, led by Khariat Al-Shater, the founder of MB militias.

 Now, the only solution before the Egyptian people, giving the weakness of police and lack of cooperation of the Army, is to form armed militias like these terrorist groups. Soon, we will face terroristic armed militias in the streets trying to impose their ideology on the Egyptians, especially after Al-Shater's bodyguard was arrested with unlicensed weapon and his cell phone had many SMS's about weapons smuggling and storing it in many places all over Egypt.

 Moreover, MB militias have attacked and killed many peaceful demonstrators before the presidential palace. I tell the Copts that it may be your last chance to defend your homeland and yourselves as well. Islamists are going to perform an ethnic cleansing and forced displacement for you. We have to carry weapons just to defend ourselves. Hope you consider my words before it's too late.