• 09:30
  • Wednesday ,26 December 2012

Sinai tribes: We'll defend our land even against the state

By-Hisham Khurshid

Top Stories


Wednesday ,26 December 2012

Sinai tribes: We'll defend our land even against the state
Sheikh Hassan Khalaf, Sinai senior fighter and head of Sawarka tribe, said that the decision of Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the defense minister, concerning the prohibition of owning land on the border between Egypt and Gaza is priceless as they have inherited their land hundreds of years ago and no body can take it from them.
He added that the state is trying to make us unable to legally own our land, but they the tribes are going to defend their lands even against the state.
Additionally, he wondered: How come the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and the government are promoting a development project by supporting the investments, and at the same time make decisions that will keep investors away from Egypt!