• 12:02
  • Monday ,24 December 2012


J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,24 December 2012


 I’m not predicting the future nor a prophet inspired by God and see the future but I read events and expect things to happen accordingly all my expectations in my last week article [Vote or Boycott] came true and new illegal constitution is about to be implemented regardless of people choice as it was faked once more so the Morsy would start believing he has the majority support; may be he really believes he has it or may be who fakes results and alters voters desires never told him he is doing that who knows but this is not my subject or the day as I have more important things to say and talk about!

Few months or weeks ago when Morsy was getting ready to nominate a new PM the name Mohamed El-Erian was on the table and he stated bolt and clearly he wanted full control to choose his ministers and helpers and set up policies for the future!
Mohamed El-Erian request was rejected and Kandil was nominated as PM therefore freed from any obligations Mohamed El-Erian sent a latter to Obama offering a four-point plan for getting the country back to 3% annual growth and less than 5% unemployment. Obviously this country was Obama’s country or USA not Egypt and the major surprise is that yet in another illustration to the world of America's robust democracy, Mohamed El-Erian have been elected to guide USA country through choppy domestic and international waters. And we fully support your efforts to improve the well-being of millions in this country!
Democratic Countries that want future and look for prosperity of its people does that, but countries that want Dictatorship fake results and disregard people’s choices!  We all know this constitution ignore most slices of social existing people not just Christians but Muslims and Liberals and you name it but this is not the point now as Egypt faces 2 major dangers that concerns all Egyptians not just Muslims or Christians; the new constitution empowers people to slice portions of Egypt like Suez Canal that is to be owned by a new owner not Egypt or Egyptian a major cut on collapsed Egyptian economy –note the word collapsed not collapsing because it is a matter of time before being officially announced!
Seriously in the past few days as I see useless fights against the new constitution and useless votes as the results were already ready before voting it makes me feel so down that I do not want to write or speak or even protest on what is going on I feel like living in another planet no body listens or understands what is going on the confusion is going on and on in the political social and economic streets every thing shows a dark black future and I know this is not going to last forever it will GO!
Farouk Okda the Managing Director of Central Egyptian Bank the main Economic institution of Egypt resigned refusing to stay until he has to officially announce the Bankruptcy of Egypt some time in January 2013!
Can Muslim Brotherhood see beyond the grounds where they are standing? They can scare some people or impose their views by faking the results but how about bankruptcy? Can their financial resources cover the Egyptian economy? Egypt is not going to receive any international help in its present status as a very Dictatorship place, no one would risk his resources in a place like that and I do not think even Qatar support can help Egypt out of it present situation so sooner or later MB will not be able to HIRE supporters and voters, the common man in the street that knows nothing about politics and policies when he will not get his small pay check by the end of the month he will be hungry, very hungry and hungry people need to eat not vote or fight!
Hunger in a collapsed economy will hit every one not Muslims or Christians, every Egyptian will be hungry and then a real revolution of hungry people will take place!
I’m not too sure if who reads this understands what I try to say however I re-iterate I’m not predicting or a prophet inspired by God I’m just trying to add up events and facts I see around me in this confused streets of Egypt may God help and protect his people on earth and Bless Egypt.