• 18:46
  • Wednesday ,31 October 2012

Morsy, Tantawy, and Mowafy accused of spreading terrorism in Egypt

by Mohamed Zian

Top Stories


Wednesday ,31 October 2012

Morsy, Tantawy, and Mowafy accused of spreading terrorism in Egypt

Ramadan al-Oqsory has reported the Attorney General against President Mohammed Morsy, Field Marshal Mohammed Husein Tantawy, and Maj. Gen. Morad Mowafy accusing them of spreading terrorism in Egypt.

Ramadan said that Morsy has recently issued a decision of presidential pardon for Mohammed Jamal al-Kashef, who was responsible for many terrorist attacks in Egypt, Libya and Yemen, while Tantawy has caused security chaos all over Egypt, while being the ruler of the country during the transitional period after the revolution, allowing many terrorists of many organizations including al-Qaeda in Sinai, and Mowafy who was the head of the General Intelligence, did nothing to prevent all this.