• 01:44
  • Wednesday ,19 September 2012

Attorney General refers a number of Copts to the Criminal Court for insulting the Prophet

by Abdu Al-Sharkawy

Top Stories


Wednesday ,19 September 2012

Attorney General refers a number of Copts to the Criminal Court for insulting the Prophet

Attorney General Abdul Meguid Mahmoud has decided to refer Nabil Morris, Nabil Besada, Esmat Zaklama, Elijah Basily, Ehab Yacoub, Adel Riad and Jack Atallah to the Criminal Court after they were charged of insulting the Islam and Prophet Mohammed, inciting a sectarian strife, and trying to divide Egypt and demolish it.

The report to Attorney General has been presented by the lawyers Sayed Hamed and Nasser Al-Askalany, members of freedoms committee at lawyers' syndicate, against the above mentioned names demanding their execution.