• 15:01
  • Tuesday ,12 January 2010

"Word from Eng. Ezzat Boulous in the Funeral of Adly Abadeer the 7th of Jan. 2010 "

Ezzat Boulos

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Friday ,08 January 2010

By a beginning of a new year and A great man departed from us and from our world which is full of difficulties and sorrows Eng. Adly Abadeer Departed from the world of Sorrows and depression  to have finally his peace and love in Heaven ..He departed in a good old age which was until the end full of Success in all his deeds.
I will never say he died ,,as it is not the matter because his will live with as ..the body which carried the disease and the tirness and senility died and soul relaxed and..this is the wheel of life turning over and over until it stops .But somebody great as dear Adly Abadeer cross over the body and stays in our hearts with the fruits which he produced. This fruits is the results of his success which he left to his next generation, as well as coming generations .
 He departed from us but indeed if we watch and go through his life we will be surprised and ask ourselves…the question : How did this this man continued fighting against wolves until the end of his life …Why not: stop and enjoy success for himself .But no this was his Wisdom , his feelings and Sympathy his big heart where he embedded all the suffering from the others , and gave the hand for every one as much as he could to help and save and support ,,trying as much as possible to reduce their sufferings,all this on the account of his week body which could resist any more .  
Copts with what they suffer in all directions starting from discrimination persecution and differentiation was the first subject and most important in his life and had intended and succeeded to move this case on the political stage since summer 2004,when he started his first big conference here in Zurich followed by the one in Washington , gathering all concerned with the Coptic case and minorities, from over the five continents on his own expenses .
With this heartful activity accompanied by his big effort consuming his body and health in addition of the fortune to move this Case on the political stage and to globalize this problem ,,I can say without any exaggeration that Abdeer s conferences' made a difference ,,where we can say Cleary: " before and after Abdeer s movement".
Abadeer was fighting with the age of 85 with the time and made a lot of efforts which may be some half of his age would not be able to do part of what he did and fulfil the aim…but he believed in his aim …Abdeer believed in the aim  that the steps he took to move this standing water…to move the case on the political stage …must be and strongly succeeded ,and today all kinds of media discusses every individual of the problem in a wide range as finally there the found and heard the strong voice crying five years long from Zurich and they got up …This was Abadeer and his strong Voice .
Abadeer the man in his 80 s placed his enjoyment a d comfort aside and refused it in his old age to go through and fight for the Copts and their suffering from the killing , he refused to be alive and considered dead …he worked day and night more than 16 hours a day hanging in life even the room of the hospital which was like an office fighting with the time and age ..to stop the wheel of life and keep lighting …to fulfill his aims towards the Copts and to fight for justice.
Full of feelings , Big heart ,a real Father forgetting himself to help and support  was Adly Abadeer.
Some of the characteristics which I touched during the time I was next to him ,ten years long ….I can say that every body who made his acquaintance realized that in him and added moe to what I touched in his life. Even those who were opposite or different in opinion with him respected him and loved him with all appreciation to what he did.
Abadeer with his Simplicity was a great original Coptic Egyptian , Pure Coptic with great with original Culture.
The words are never enough to express my feelings about what we lost …He is one who changed my whole life and attention since 2004 with the birth of the electronic News paper Copts united …which opened me a new field connected with my nation.
Adly loved his Newspaper and kept following it until the last hours of his breath .He was flowing its success and how it is growing .
Adly Abdeer you will never be a Memory ..You are a Principal of success in life ..you will stay running in our blood giving us hope in our hearts, to continue the dream which came true and continue the harvest of what you planted five years ago.