• 20:25
  • Wednesday ,30 December 2009

Activists Push Egypt to Grant Access to Gaza

By-Egypt News

Home News


Wednesday ,30 December 2009

Activists Push Egypt to Grant Access to Gaza
International activists from 43 countries have appealed to Egypt to reverse a decision denying them access to the blockaded Gaza Strip for a solidarity march
Ann Wright, a former U.S. colonel and diplomat and march organizer, said Saturday Egypt refused to grant the group access to the strip on ''security'' grounds.
Wright said the group has been communicating with the authorities for months to organize the march, which is planned to draw attention to the blockade and commemorate Israel's bruising offensive on Gaza one year ago.
She appealed to President Hosni Mubarak to repeal the decision, saying it is not ''in the best interest of Egypt.''
Egypt is under fire from Arab and Muslim groups for cooperating with Israel in the blockade.