• 06:06
  • Monday ,11 June 2012

Political powers disagree over Islamist representation in Constituent Assembly

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Monday ,11 June 2012

Political powers disagree over Islamist representation in Constituent Assembly

Political powers strongly disagree on Islamic representation on the constitution-writing committee, sources who attended a meeting Sunday for political groups at the Wafd Party headquarters said.

The political groups had earlier agreed that Islamic representatives would constitute 50 percent of the committee.
The sources said the disagreement is over whether the seats for Al-Azhar and the moderate Islamist Wasat Party should be considered civilian or Islamic representation, particularly because considering them civilian would raise the number of seats allocated Islamic-oriented members to 57 percent of the total.
Political parties and groups on Thursday had agreed on the representation of different factions after the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces gave them 48 hours to agree on the Constituent Assembly formation.
The Thursday deal equally split the assembly into Islamic and non-Is
Political powers strongly disagree over Islamist representation on the constitution-writing committee, sources who attended the Sunday meeting with the ruling military council on the issue said.
The political groups had earlier agreed that Islamist representatives would constitute 50 percent of the Constituent Assembly.
The sources said the disagreement is over whether the seats for Al-Azhar and the moderate Islamist Wasat Party should be considered civilian or Islamist representation, particularly because considering them civilian would raise the number of seats allocated to Islamist-oriented members to 57 percent of the total.
Political parties and groups on Thursday had agreed on the representation of different factions after the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces gave them 48 hours to agree on the Constituent Assembly formation.
The Thursday deal equally split the assembly into Islamist and non-Islamist representatives. The old formation, which had been annulled by an administrative court verdict, was dominated by Islamists.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm
lamic representatives. The old formation, which had been annulled by an administrative court verdict, was dominated by Islamists.