• 00:13
  • Thursday ,17 May 2012

Ghoneim denounces the announcements of Abul Fotouh

By-Maria Alfy

Top Stories


Thursday ,17 May 2012

Ghoneim denounces the announcements of Abul Fotouh

Wagdy Ghoneim, the Islamic preacher in an audio record entitled “Dr. Abul Fotouh, What’s next?" denounced the announcements of Abul Fotouh that he will use the help of any honorable Egyptian even Field Marshal Tantawi.

Ghoneim also denounced his statements in which he said he doesn’t accept the existence of any parallel institution in the state, even Muslim Brotherhood, and as he rejected the verdict against the actor Adel Emam.  
Ghoneim criticized also the announcement of Abul Fotouh that he and Christians worship the same God. He said Abul Fotouh should put a cross on now.
Ghoneim condemned Abul Fotouh for saying he listens to songs of Om Kulthum, and saying he doesn’t mind nominating Copts or women for presidency. 
About Abul Fotouh’s announcements that he will grant the freedom of believe for Muslims and Christians, Ghoneim said this is against Quran, as he who leaves Islam should be killed if he insisted on keeping his new religion!