• 17:59
  • Sunday ,13 December 2009


Mark Harding



Sunday ,13 December 2009


You know it?s all right to rip and wale, but it is said that actions are worth much more than words.
Why is it that in 2003 I try and tell the truth about Islam on a radio station on CFMU 93.3 FM, only to have the radio station pull the entire show off the air why? Because the Muslims complained and no one says iggy boo. I have a copy of the entire show if any one CARES.

Why is it that in Kitchener Ontario in 2002 my organized and promoted conference called ?Islam, a religion of peace???? was canceled? Because I was going to expose Islam and the Muslims do not want that so they complained and threatened to blow the place up?. 24 hours before the conference and poof I show up to a hostile manager 24 police officers and two busloads of angry Muslims.
Why was I arrested in 1997 for trying to expose Islam? Because Muslims complained.
Canada has become a nation that allows Muslims to tell them what is good for them, and if they don't obey then things will get tough. That is the way Islam is.
Islam is a terrorist organization that only worships a fake god called Allah.
I am a Christian, a Canadian Christian and I have my rights too dame it!
According to my Christian religious convictions and teachings from the Holy Bible, Islam is satanic. Muhammad was a false prophet who again, according to the Holy Bible, and my religious convictions, was a liar and an Antichrist.
NOW, is there a law in Canada that says I am not allowed to promote my religious convictions as a Christian???
If not then why are Canadians allowing Islam to tell us Christians that we are in violation of Islamic Sharia laws and must stop exposing Islam according to our Christian religious convictions??? It seems all good and fine to criticize Jehovah Witnesses; I guess they knock on your doors so its ok. Well Muslims have been knocking on doors all over Canada promoting the lie that Islam is a religion of peace while their laws state that its ok to kill Christians and that?s ok? Persecution of Christians, and all non-Muslims in Islamic societies around the world, is increasing, does anyone care?
Are we Christians "afraid " to get in trouble for practicing our own religious convictions? Jesus died on a cross and was the SON of GOD, Islam says that?s not true, that means that Islam is false and we Christians must be allowed to say so here in Canada even if its against the law in Islam.
Is our Government afraid? Then why does the government hassle me? I do not hate Muslims I hate Islam and what its barbaric teachings teach others of murder and destruction to anyone who disagrees with it anywhere in the world, the murders and destruction of Churches around the world is a good example of what happens when someone exposes Islam, the cause of some cartoons was a typical Islamic response and an effective way to make people fear them.
I have been spit at swore at and threatened on the streets of Toronto by Muslims angry because I disagree with Islamic teachings as coming from God.
I will be in Teeswater Ontario on Jan 30th 7 pm showing a film called ?Islam, what the west needs to know?. Everyone is welcome and I am trying to arrange for coffee and tea. The movie exposes Islam.
I wonder how this one will turn out.