• 11:30
  • Thursday ,10 December 2009

Israel to build wall on Egypt border


Home News


Thursday ,10 December 2009

Israel to build wall on Egypt border
TEL Aviv -Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to build a wall on the border with Egypt to prevent African migrants from changing Israel's racial balance,Israeli media reported yesterday.
"Netanyahu believes building a wall along the southern borders with Egypt is an unavoidable and strategic measure,which Tel Aviv must take to ensure that thousands of migrants do not cross over from Africa,"Israel's Maariv daily reported.According to Maariv ,the prime minister sees the migration of Africans as a problem that may escalate in the coming years and disrupt the demographic balance of southern Israel.The Israeli Minister of Finance Yuval Steinitz believes,however,that it will be much simpler to build a fence,at a cost of about 450 million shekels (approximately 120 million dollars).The reports indicate that Netanyahu will post- pone the decision about deporting the 1,200 children of migrant workers from Israel until September next year.Once the construction of the whole barrier is initiated,Netanyahu would prob- ably make an exception and allow those children to stay in Israel with their parents.