• 13:03
  • Thursday ,16 April 2020

UPDATED: Egypt records 155 new coronavirus cases bringing total to 2,505

by Al Ahram

Home News


Thursday ,16 April 2020

UPDATED: Egypt records 155 new coronavirus cases bringing total to 2,505

 Egypt reported on Wednesday 155 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of confirmed cases so far to 2,505.

The death toll now stands at 183, with five new fatalities registered on Wednesday, the health ministry said.
The ministry also said that 39 Egyptians fully recovered and left isolation hospitals on Wednesday, which brings the total number of recoveries from the virus to 553.
The number of cases who have re-tested negative for the virus, including those who have left hospital after recovering, has now reached 751, ministry spokesman Khaled Megahed said.
Egypt recorded on Tuesday its highest daily record of coronavirus cases, with new 160 infections.
Minister of Health Hala Zayed held a periodic meeting on Wednesday with medical and administrative staff at four isolation hospitals via video conference, namely Al-Negila, Qaha, Baltim, and Malawi hospitals, to follow up on the application of updated treatment protocols and to ensure the fulfilment of necessary measures.
The minister said that the 14 isolation hospitals currently operating in the country represent about half the total hospitals that were planned to be operated in the current stage. She added that there are 56 fever hospitals operating as diagnosis and referral hospitals, and 25 laboratories have been linked to the central network of labs across the country.
Zayed also noted the activation of an inquiry and complaint line for medical service providers related to the coronavirus through the hotline 105 and the WhatsApp number 01048484721, which operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Since the first case was discovered in Mid-February, the Egyptian government has adopted preventive measures including the closure of schools and universities and the suspension of international flights.
The government also introduced a series of other sweeping measures in March to curb the spread of the virus, including imposing a nighttime curfew, banning large gatherings, shutting mosques and churches.
Egypt s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly warned on Wednesday that authorities will use “utmost force” to confront attempts to breach restrictive measures against the coronavirus during next week s springtime holiday.
During a meeting with governors via video conference, Mabdouly stressed the importance of the “strict implementation of all precautionary measures to prevent any gatherings" during the traditional holiday of Sham El-Nessim next Monday.
Egyptians usually mark the Sham El-Nessim holiday with picnics at parks or other outdoor excursions but the celebrations this year will be subdued amid restrictive measures to limit the pandemic.
The country is currently under a nighttime curfew from 8 pm to 6 am until 23 April.
Under the rules, all malls and shops -- except for pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores and bakeries -- should close at 5 pm on weekdays and be completely shuttered on weekends. Restaurants are only restricted to deliveries.
The cabinet had said earlier that shops and malls will be totally shut on Sham El-Nessim holiday as is the case on weekends.