• 09:58
  • Wednesday ,06 February 2019

Egypt s Minister of Immigration: We stand side by side to address intellectual extremism

Amany Moussa

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Tuesday ,05 February 2019

Egypt s Minister of Immigration: We stand side by side to address intellectual extremism

At the invitation of the UAE Presidency and Council of Muslim Elders, Ambassador Nabila Makram Abdul Shaheed, Egypt s Minister of State for Migration and Egyptians Affairs Abroad, will attend the meeting of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, in the presence of His Eminence Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayeb, Sheikh of Al Azhar and His Holiness Pope Francis.

Prior to the meeting, she said that all of us should stand side by side to address intellectual extremism and respect our differences in order to overcome the obstacles and achieve security, stability, peace and the desired coexistence.