• 14:01
  • Monday ,18 June 2018

After fuel prices increase, Prime Minister announces new transportation tariff


Home News


Monday ,18 June 2018

After fuel prices increase, Prime Minister announces new transportation tariff

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli held a lengthy meeting on Saturday via video conference with the governors from the Cabinet Information Center operations room to check the availability of petroleum products and introduce the new tariff for new cars and taxis.

Fuel stations began to apply the new fuel prices at 9 am Saturday, announced the Petroleum Ministry.
On Saturday evening, Madbouli contacted the governors and officials of 27 governorates to check the implementation of the new transportation tariff, which was adopted after announcing the recent increases in the prices of petroleum products.
He instructed that the new tariff for transportation be continuously announced in each governorate and in the media, along with printing new speeding signs and raising it during parking situations. Posters on minibuses are also to be placed announcing the value of the new fare.
The minister issued directives to devise emergency plans to confront problems, and to announce any violation that has been seized, such as in trying to sell petroleum products at prices that are contrary to what has been declared or to any driver who violates the current tariff.
Madbouli said that there were contacts Minister of Supply Ali al-Meselhi, who said that the Ministry of Supply will bear the hikes in prices of diesel fuel consumed by the bakeries to produce the subsidized bread.
The Prime Minister stressed the need to intensify the control campaigns, and the presence of officials to ensure the availability of various petroleum products, especially the butane gas cylinders, and deal decisively with any violation.
Cairo and the some governorates witnessed strict measures to confront the exploitation by drivers to citizens after the increase in fuel prices, and the security directorates will confront any manipulation or raises in the fare.
Petroleum Minister Tareq al-Mulla said that the decisions came to correct the petroleum product subsidizing system and adjust the price distortions. In a statement, Mulla said that the government is working on implementing an announced program to gradually correct the subsidy system.