• 18:56
  • Thursday ,22 March 2018

The role of citizen and state

Mohammed Anwar Sadat

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,22 March 2018

The role of citizen and state

In a few days. We will have a new president in the presidential palace.  The election is scheduled on 26 - 27 - 28 March. However, the current campaigns of candidates and various state institutions aim mainly at motivating citizens to cast their vote and participate in the elections to ensure a high voting rate promising this will ensure a better future for Egypt. I wonder if they will stay keen on this vote of the citizens after the elections end.

The elections are indeed an important democratic feast that deserves such attention, but such effort to please the citizens should stay after the elections. 
I don t blame those who try hard to convince the citizens to participate, but there are many projects and goals that deserve such unity and propaganda that is really related to our future.