• 08:37
  • Thursday ,30 November 2017
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Egypt faces conspiracy in the form of fighting terrorism!

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,30 November 2017

Egypt faces conspiracy in the form of fighting terrorism!

The cowardly terrorist attack on Friday February 24, 2017 that led to the killing of 309 and wounded 129 worshipers in Al-Rawdah mosque in Arish is far from religion.

This is true since the real aim of such terrorist attacks is to fall in disputes about false interpretation of Islam. This is a conspiracy that uses religion to achieve something evil against the Egyptian people.
The Egyptian television channels are keen on spreading negative information. Some people may accuse police and army of negligence. Others accuse al-Azhar of complicity. This led many Islamic scholars to benefit from the situation and claim they spread awareness and fix the situation. The truth is that several foreign agendas aim to keep the Egyptians busy in such useless discussions away from the real reason.
Here comes to mind an inevitable question: who lies behind all this? My answer is those who planned to spread and strengthen Zionism in the world. Such evil plans that were supported by wealthy Arab regimes. In the Hijaz, the Wahhabi movement was created by the British colonies and the hands of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab to become a fifth doctrine with religious features, which is completely different from the four schools prevailing in the Islamic religion. Such movement has been destructive to Islam more than any other weapon. It created what was later known as the Salafiyya al-Takfiri which cooperated with the Muslim Brotherhood aiming to destroy Egypt as well.