• 03:42
  • Friday ,04 August 2017

Egypt and Russia broker truce between Syrian regime and opposition in northern Homs


Home News


Friday ,04 August 2017

Egypt and Russia broker truce between Syrian regime and opposition in northern Homs

Egypt and Russia have managed to broker a truce between Syrian regime forces and moderate opposition forces in the northern part of Homs province in Syria, starting from Thursday, Egyptian state news agency MENA declared.

According to MENA, this is the second time in less than two weeks that Egypt and Russia have managed to broker a truce.
MENA added that that truce was reached after a series of talks between Russian officials and “moderate Syrian factions” in Cairo that ended successfully on Monday.
Russia s defence ministry said in an official statement on Thursday that the truce would start that afternoon in 84 towns and villages in northern Homs, an area with a population of 147,000.
The Russian ministry said that the truce would not include Daesh or Al-Nusra militant groups or their affiliates.