• 21:08
  • Thursday ,27 July 2017

King of hearts


Article Of The Day


Thursday ,27 July 2017

King of hearts

Dr. Magdy Yaccoub is a modest loving man who is a rare heart surgeon. He gave lessons in love without preaching as Saint Teresa did. His loving heart served the people using little science and much love making him an ambassador to Christ in the work of mercy in the developing and poor countries. 

He established centers in several countries to treat children and to spread the love of Jesus Christ among the nations. He knows how to follow that voice of Jesus Christ that calls us to be merciful and holy (Luke 6:36) (1 Peter 1:16). 
Being saints is not limited to working miracles, but also to show mercy and love. Therefore, the name of Dr. Magyd Yacoub may be remembered one day as the saint of mercy.
He decided to dedicate his time to scientific research knowing that every new scientific discovery is an investment for all humanity and for the future of all generations. He only sleeps 4 hours a day and works hard to use Stem Cells to prevent the heart illness in the fetus and to manufacture new valves for the heart if damaged. What is done by Dr. Magdi Yacoub is closer to miracles than to medicine. Yet, he attributes all glory to God.
After his graduation from the faculty of medicine in Egypt, he was prosecuted by the dean who didn’t like him very much. This forced to leave and traveled abroad where he succeeded and became healer to the sick hearts around the world. However, when he was asked about the highest honors he had received, he replied: Healing my Patient is indeed my highest honor.
This man made the Egyptian constitution accepts and allows organ transplantation after extremism was killing the sick Egyptians in need of organ transplantation. 
Dr. Magdy Yacoub founded a new school of medicine where doctors pay their money to help the sick people in nine different countries including Egypt.