The US Embassy in Cairo released on Monday a security message for US nationals in Egypt warning of possible terrorist attacks targeting religious sites outside Greater Cairo.
The Embassy called on US citizens to avoid visiting religious sites outside Greater Cairo, in addition to being “prudent” when it comes to their personal security and safety by following security guidelines issued in the US State Department’s travel warnings.
“Terrorists have attacked targets associated with the Christian community in Egypt. Incidents have occurred in both urban and isolated settings. Additional attacks may be possible,” the Embassy’s security message read.
The message also mentioned the Egypt’s government’s widespread deployment on police and military personnel to protect Egyptian citizens and foreign nationals; however, the Embassy still advised American citizens to not visit religious sites.
This Monday message is not the first of its kind; the Embassy issues security messages to its citizens in Egypt on a regular basis.
The latest warning message was issued directly prior to a deadly militant attack on a bus transporting Coptic Christians who were on their way to visit a religious site in a desert area near Minya, Upper Egypt.
The militant attack led to the death of 30 Copts, among them children and women.
This message had said that the militant group Hasm was preparing an attack the night the warning was issued.