• 20:51
  • Wednesday ,12 April 2017
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Failure leading to the bombings

By-Michael Mounir

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,12 April 2017

Failure leading to the bombings

Salafis and some scholars of Al-Azhar used to attack Christians and their beliefs without accountability. The state has not taken most reports against those fanatics seriously. The president has called several times about renewal of religious discourse, but the government has cooperated with the fanatics and let them manipulate minds of the people and call the Copts infidels.

In fact, the president has to remove the Sheikh of Al-Azhar since the current curricula produced suicide bombers who believe they do the right thing by killing themselves to murder innocent people.
After several terrorist attacks and warnings, police should have taken extra measures to secure churches during feasts, especially the big ones where bishops and the Pope reside. The lack of accountability of officials after the terrorist attack that targeted St. Peter Church in Cairo encouraged other officials to continue their negligence and carelessness. 
Since the Muslim Brotherhood was removed from power in Egypt, they threatened terrorist attacks until Mohamed Morsy return in power. ISIS and the Brotherhood are connected and the Egyptian courts have to make them face justice as soon as possible in order to avoid more terrorist attacks. The Egyptian regimes have been compromising with the terrorists in order to avoid more bloodshed.
The Church Scouts are unable to secure the churches with too many threats and challenges. Therefore, a special guard companies should be hired to do the job and be paid by the state. The scout members should be hired in these companies and be trained well for that mission and have the best equipments. 
The Muslim Brotherhood will contine killing the Copts and the state should do its best to save them and the beginning is fixing Al-Azhar.