• 11:50
  • Wednesday ,16 November 2016

Court rejects appeal against the release of Mubarak sons


Home News


Wednesday ,16 November 2016

Court rejects appeal against the release of Mubarak sons

 Egypt's Court of Appeals rejected on Tuesday an appeal by the prosecution against the release of the two sons of former president Hosni Mubarak.

Gamal and Alaa Mubarak were released on 12 October after receiving three-year prison sentences, which they had already fulfilled in their pre-trial detention.
The brothers were convicted of embezzling public funds earmarked for the renovation of presidential palaces and using the money to improve their private properties.
Gamal and Alaa were arrested on 13 April 2011 and until their release in October 2015 were detained pending trial.
In its appeal the prosecution argued that the brothers should serve eight more months because the pretrial detention, which by law is limited to a maximum of two years, should have covered two cases.
In the second case referred to, however, the two were acquitted of involvement in the killing of protestors during the 18-day January revolution which ousted Hosni Mubarak.