• 13:07
  • Friday ,11 November 2016

Never be better

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,12 November 2016

Never be better

There are many things in life are basic needs and you can’t compromise them. Water, Electricity, and Medication are things we can’t tell any person to wait for long time until we solve the issues related to these basic things. We can’t ask any children he wants go to school to wait until the water come to wash his face and brush his teeth, otherwise, he will never go to school. 

The same for Medication, we can’t tell elder people to wait because the medicine they want is not available, otherwise, they will die before getting this medicine. I can’t imagine that Egypt with all their potential can’t solve simple issues like providing people with water, Medication and the same with Electricity.
Every time people leave Egypt and come back, they have the same sentence which is nothing changed since we left Egypt which really depressing because people when they leave Egypt, they expect to be better next time.
Unfortunately, No one feels what Egyptian feel when they leave their country and which their country be better next time except the Egyptian themselves. I don’t think the government care about these feeling or trying to make it better. 
In conclusion, I want to ask the government to be more serious about the main problems that Egyptian face and let them have hope that tomorrow will be better. I believe without having such feeling that tomorrow will be better, we can’t live ever.