• 07:01
  • Thursday ,10 November 2016

Egypt’s prison authority to pardon 193 inmates


Home News


Thursday ,10 November 2016

Egypt’s prison authority to pardon 193 inmates

 Egypt’s Prison Authority has finalized reviewing cases of 193 inmates scheduled to be pardoned in accordance to a presidential decree recently issued in honor of the 6 October War anniversary, Youm7 reported Thursday.

The authority said it will grant the release order of 107 prisoners and conditional release for other 86.
‘’This comes in accordance with the Interior Ministry’s keenness to apply the values of human rights,” the statement read.
In September, President Abdel Fatah al Sisi has issued a presidential decree to pardon some prisoners ahead of the occasions of the 6 of October War victory and Eid al Adha.
A parliamentary committee was formed last week by the president Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi to review the cases of Egyptian youth detainees and prepare a list for detainees qualify for the pardon