• 07:54
  • Thursday ,06 October 2016
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Egypt’s military stages naval, air parades in October war anniversary


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Thursday ,06 October 2016

Egypt’s military stages naval, air parades in October war anniversary

 Egyptian armed forces will perform naval and air shows nationwide on Thursday marking, the 43rd anniversary of the October war, Youm7 reported.

Former generals and officers who participated in the 1973 Egyptian-Israeli war will be interviewed by state’s T.V.s to talk about heroism. Helicopters will hold a military parade at 2:30 p.m. in the skies of Cairo.
President Abdel Fatah al Sisi on Wednesday attended a military parade of the 6th armored division of the Second Field Army on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the 6 October War victory.
Sisi was accompanied by visiting Sudanese President Omar al Bashir. The two leaders also went on an inspection tour of arms and equipment of the Second Field Army in Ismailia.