• 03:47
  • Monday ,26 September 2016

Egyptian Traditions Part VI

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,26 September 2016

Egyptian Traditions Part VI

Last week’s article Egyptian Traditions Part V that was in fact a re-write of the overdue article Egyptian Traditions Part IV never published due to a system crash and lost the file, that is 2 to 3 weeks ago I saw the clear and present danger and was trying to warn Egyptians no to fall in to the generation 4 wars traps where; “You do what I want you to do!” without any forces or fights!

Generation 4 wars is by now a very old fashion, with today’s technology improving generation 4 should had jumped to generation 40 or 80 any way what I saw 4 weeks ago and tried to warn about was confirmed and published in another traditional article of Al Ahram newspaper of Sunday 18 September 2016 third page under headline “Details of the Plot outsider forces use to impose Egypt isolation”
I’ll keep it short this week as I have a lot more issues to discuss in the series of “Egyptian Traditions ....” bottom line here is that Technology, Computers, Internet and all other means of today’s life deal with facts, statistics, results of experiments BUT non of them knows God or Faith or is Religious so all plots will fail because God Blessed Egypt and Egyptians may his peace be upon all of you!