• 12:17
  • Tuesday ,06 September 2016

LE50,000 fine for slaughtering animals in Hurghada streets at Eid al-Adha


Home News


Tuesday ,06 September 2016

LE50,000 fine for slaughtering animals in Hurghada streets at Eid al-Adha

 The Red Sea governor Ahmed Abdallah has announced a LE50,000 fine for anyone who slaughters animals in the streets of Hurghada as part of the traditional Eid al-Adha celebrations.

The governor stressed in a meeting with the governorate's executive officials on Monday that citizens should slaughter animals at butcher's shops, rather than in public spaces.
He added the butcher's shops affiliated with the governorate's local authority have been prepared to receive a large number of animals for the holiday, which traditionally involves animal sacrifices.
Egypt will celebrate Eid Al-Adha on 11 September, Egypt’s Astronomical and Geophysics Institute said on Tuesday.
The festival is the second of two major religious holidays celebrated by Muslims around the world, the other being Eid Al-Fitr.