• 11:32
  • Friday ,12 August 2016

Adultery punishment stirs dispute at parliament


Home News


Sunday ,14 August 2016

Adultery punishment stirs dispute at parliament

 The adultery punishment articles at the penal code were placed on discussions table at the parliament, causing a dispute among members, where some called for amendments due to “discrimination between men and women in penalty,” while others saw women should get “harsher” punishment.

Members who went with amending the articles said that the constitution guarantees “equality” between genders in all political and civil rights; however, women who are accused of adultery are punished by prison for a period of not more than 2 years, while men get a period of not more than 6 months.
MP Margret Azer said “there should not be discrimination in punishment between men and women, and this is a violation to the constitution.” Azer proposed to handle amending the article and then submit it before the parliament for discussions.
On the other hand, Elizabeth Abdel Maseeh said “when women commit adultery causes genealogical problems, that’s why the punishment on women should be harsher if the crime proven.”