• 13:42
  • Monday ,25 July 2016
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37 attacks carried out on churches over three years, Pope Tawadros


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,25 July 2016

37 attacks carried out on churches over three years, Pope Tawadros
Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria stated a total of 37 attacks carried out on churches in Egypt over the past three years, per a report, conducted by the Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral and will be referred to the House of Representatives, Youm7 reported.
Pope’s remarks came during his meeting with a delegation from the parliament to discuss sectarian violence that took place in Upper Egypt.
A total of 18 people were arrested over alleged involvement in inciting sectarian violence in Beni Suef, the head of the media office at the Interior Ministry Khaled Fawzy told El-Asema TV Channel Saturday.
The incidents took place on Friday when a number of Muslims hurled stones at a house owned by a Coptic man, where he was hosting religious rituals.