• 01:39
  • Sunday ,31 October 2010

Egypt MB elections program to address social injustice

By-Egypt News

Home News


Sunday ,31 October 2010

Egypt MB elections program to address social injustice

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood (MB) opposition group sources said that the group's elections program will address social inequality and wealth concentration

According to Egypt's paper alMasri alyoum, a well informed source within Egypt's MB said that “The group defines their slogan, “Ismal is the solution” as epitomizing freedom, social justice, development and leadership”  
The source also added that the elections program which will be announced in few weeks also tackles certain social and political problems, such as unemployment, mentioning that there are nine million people out of a job, most of whom are young graduates, while certain government officials earn LE2 million in monthly salaries .
“The program will stress the fact that 24 percent of Egypt’s national income is concentrated in the hands of 2000 businessmen,” the source said.
It goes on to say that there are eight million people suffering from hepatitis C, with another eight million suffering from diabetes, while 29 percent of Egyptian children have anemia.
The first chapter of the program addresses political reform. It then moves on to talk about social justice in the second chapter, development in the third, and ends with the need to regain Egypt’s leading regional and international role in the fourth chapter.
Guidance Bureau member of the Brotherhood Saad al-Husseiny said the program also lists the achievements of the 88 current Brotherhood members of parliament over the past five years.
The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s strongest opposition forces, has announced that it will contest 30 percent of the 518-seat parliament in the upcoming elections slated for 28 November.
Experts believe that the current program resembles traditional features of previous elections programs, citing its failure to address women and Coptic issues.