• 08:35
  • Wednesday ,27 April 2016

Germany: 9 Islamic extremists investigated over plan to kill


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,27 April 2016

Germany: 9 Islamic extremists investigated over plan to kill

German authorities are investigating nine Muslim extremists on suspicion they planned to kill two people over disagreements in their interpretation of Islam.German authorities are investigating nine Muslim extremists on suspicion they planned to kill two people over disagreements in their interpretation of Islam.

Prosecutors in Bremen say 10 premises in the northern German city were searched early Tuesday following tips about the planned crimes. Some 200 police officers were involved in the morning raids.
Prosecutors say the unnamed suspects are adherents of Salafism, an Islamic movement based on a literal reading of the Quran. In a statement, prosecutors said the Salafis are suspected of committing two cases of serious bodily harm and of planning to kill two people "who interpreted both the Quran and life under Islam differently.