• 20:23
  • Tuesday ,26 April 2016

How would a president loses his popularity?

Naim Youssef

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,26 April 2016

How would a president loses his popularity?

A friend asked me: Why do you oppose the president after you supported and elected him? I told him that supporting a person once doesn’t mean to support him forever. I disagree with my family and friends, let alone the president!

I was thinking about the great writer Tawfiq al-Hakim, who criticized the revolution of 1952 in his book "The return of consciousness" after he had supported it strongly to the point that Nasser himself considered him the spiritual father of the revolution of 1952.
Al-Hakim said that we trusted Nasser so that we couldn’t think. We were full of hope and enthusiasm that we fainted.  
Is it a loss of consciousness or being drugged!
Indeed I supported the president and still show him respect, but I think that he is losing his popularity.  I think that the president loses such popularity as he considers his supporters the core of the Egyptian people and his opposes traitors who seek destruction of the nation. He loses popularity because he deals with the people as father while fathers are not receiving the same respect as before. He loses popularity as he tells the people that prices are not increasing, but they do.
The crisis of Tiran and Sanafir islands proved there are strong opposition for the president and that he can’t ignore the people like his predecessors. I can say that the Convention on the maritime border between Egypt and Saudi Arabia divided the people and made the Egyptians call one another traitors. This is our problem that we can’t accept our differences.
We can see only black and white, as if we can’t see other colors. Either we support the president or we oppose him. Unity of the land is crucial, but unity of the people is much important.
The president called the people not to listen to anybody else, but he refused to listen to the people, which also made him lose popularity and confidence of his supporters. Mr. President, we have to listen to all parties even if we disagree with them.