• 07:27
  • Friday ,22 April 2016

At least 40 pro-Syrian gov’t fighters surrender to Kurdish forces in Qamishli – Reuters witness


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,22 April 2016

At least 40 pro-Syrian gov’t fighters surrender to Kurdish forces in Qamishli – Reuters witness

At least 40 pro-Syrian government fighters surrendered to Kurdish forces in the city of Qamishli in mostly Kurdish-controlled Hasaka province on Thursday, a Reuters witness said.At least 40 pro-Syrian government fighters surrendered to Kurdish forces in the city of Qamishli in mostly Kurdish-controlled Hasaka province on Thursday, a Reuters witness said.

The pro-government forces had been holed up in a prison which is now under the control of the Kurdish security forces. Gunfire could still be heard in the city after rare violence erupted between the two sides late the day before.