• 23:42
  • Wednesday ,02 March 2016

Morsi supporter has life prison sentence slashed to 6 months after showing up


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,02 March 2016

Morsi supporter has life prison sentence slashed to 6 months after showing up

Port Said Criminal Court cut on Tuesday a life prison sentence of a Mohamed Morsi supporter, which he got in absentia, to six months following a retrial. Port Said Criminal Court cut on Tuesday a life prison sentence of a Mohamed Morsi supporter, which he got in absentia, to six months following a retrial. 

Ahmed Ibrahim Monsef was handed the jail term for storming Al-Arab police station in coastal city Port Said in August 2013.
The hard-labour sentence can still be appealed.
The prosecution accused Monsef of illegal assembly, violent threats, storming Al-Arab police station, murder, attempted murder, stealing arms from the police station and helping the detainees escape.
Monsef is one of two people who were tried in absentia and sentenced to life in prison last December.
A life sentence in Egypt stipulates 25 years in jail.
Life sentences are usually given to defendants who are tried in absentia. A retrial then takes place if the defendant turns themselves in.
In the same case, 17 supporters of Morsi were sentenced to three years in jail last December.
In August, the Muslim Brotherhood's supreme leader Mohamed Badie, along with group leaders Safwat Hegazy and Mohamed El-Beltagi, received sentences of life in jail for inciting to storm the police station.